Wow.  There is no denying that Logan is a great film. It’s so well done. Compelling, brutal action throughout that never once feels like glorified violence drives home a theme: we all must, one day, be judged. 

But let’s be clear: Logan isn’t really a superhero movie (thanfully). It is a film about our times. It is a film about the future we head towards. It’s a film about the way we treat the proverbial ​“other”, and a film about the hope we must place in our children. They are our only hope. 

But mostly, this isn’t a superhero film because it’s a family drama. It feels more intimate than it is. It’s filled with beautiful moments and horrific violence. 

I’m not on the hype train to the point where I think Jackman should win an Oscar, or even be nominated (but his performance is strong). I just think Mangold and Jackman have created an intense and wonderful allegory for adults, and disguised it as a superhero movie. Let the story they share serve us as a warning about who we are becoming.

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